Some important things to know about Varicose Veins Treatment

Health and Medical

As you research what is available for treatment for varicose veins, you will find that you have several different options. Depending on the severity of your condition and your personal preferences, your treatment may vary. Many people choose to treat their varicose veins with surgery as a last resort. This option should be discussed thoroughly with your doctor. Surgery to remove large varicose veins does offer some benefits, such as a longer healing period and reduced blood loss, but the downside is often a hefty price tag.

Unfortunately, varicose veins treatment in Dubai does not always mean a quick, short, or even safe recovery. Because removing large, bulging veins cause significant trauma to the surrounding skin, patients may experience serious side effects such as excessive bleeding, scars, pain, infections, bruising, skin discoloration, and loss of self-confidence. As with any surgery, ask your doctor if coverage will be available for the cost of your operation.

Many times, patients have been prescribed a non-surgical treatment first. Non-surgical procedures are options that allow your doctor to precisely target and remove your problem veins. These options are often used along with surgery when vein removal is warranted. One of these procedures is called sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy uses a chemical sclerosing agent to irritate and damage the vessel lining so that it thickens and shrinks. The sclerosant is then injected into the problem vein, which causes it to shrink and collapse.

Another type of procedure your doctor may suggest is known as photodynamic therapy. In this procedure, light and UV rays are used to burn away excess fluid and block excess blood flow into the varicose veins. This process may cause some reddening around the treated site, but the overall results can be remarkably successful in treating and removing your problem veins. If you have exhausted these options and still have pain or other issues, your doctor may recommend additional testing and possible surgery.

Some patients do not respond well to these conventional treatments. For these rare patients, the last resort procedure called balloon angioplasty may be recommended. In this procedure, a narrow balloon called a canola is inserted into the problem vein. A miniature suction tube is then used to suck the balloon inside, removing it and the blood vessel. This procedure requires an extended stay in the hospital and is not covered by most health insurance policies.